maui monday, 10-31 – 11/7/11

by Graham

With the contest over, the weather decided to bless us with some fun waves and gusty wind. I’ve been on a single fin trip, riding one of Levi’s single fin boards and loving the speed through the bottom turn and the ability to fly vertically into the lip.

Brendan fom umi is coming on Tuesday. Also, Kauli is here, and he is ripping too.

I had an interesting talk with Levi about the state of modern wave riding. There are a lot of really good guys who can stomp sick tricks and slash slidy turns. But lacking are the fully committed bottom turn top turn combos that were made famous by Polakow back in the early 90s. Part of our mission for this winter is to bring those turns back. To set up way behind the peak, rocket down the line, throw a wickedly fast bottom turn straight back up into the curling lip, and smash it to pieces. The forecast is looking good for this week, so hopefully we’ll get an opportunity to work on pure, radical wave riding.

Throwing some spray off the lip on a single fin.


Cranking the bottom turn.


Coming up vertical to the lip.


Getting tweaked on an air.