
waves, culture, aphorisms

Category: culture

Traversa vs Fernandez vs Campello: Who will win the PWA World Title???

    Update: As of 10:47am Hawaiian time Nov 1st, Ricardo is out of the title race. Thomas will place no worse than 5th in the event, meaning the race is down to Thomas and Victor. In 4 days, the Aloha Classic will decide the wave world title for 2014 at Hookipa Beach Park on […]

Writing and The Sea

  Graham Ezzy- Writing and The Sea from Ezzy Sails on Vimeo.   With “Writing and The Sea”, Kevin Pritchard raises the bar of visual storytelling in windsurf cinematography. I am lucky and proud to be the focus. Thank you KP.

All Bags Aboard!

    Traveling with board-bags sucks. Every step is a hassle—it’s basically like traveling with a set of living room furniture. Getting from point A to point B requires negotiation skills and a comfort with the absurd. The lessons learned apply to traveling with any kind of baggage or to any situation requiring negotiation—whether flirting […]

Helmets and Risk and Me

  “Where’s the helmet?” That’s a question I’m asked a lot lately. Most ask it with a hint of hurt, as if windsurfing lost a role model in my decision to stop wearing a helmet all the time. In answering, I must meditate on death and on an injury to my face last summer. But […]

The Importance of Crashes, Falls, and Wipeouts

    People ask me for windsurfing advice all the time. How to pushloop, how to tack, how to taka, etc. But nobody ever asks me how to fall. “Huh?” I hear you asking, “Why would anyone need to learn how to fall?” Fall equals fail in the internet’s vernacular. Fails plaster the pages of […]

Mud, Rocks, and Jaws (part 2)

    The Climb The climb down was harder than I expected. My feet slid on both dirt and rocks. At one moment, my mast began to slip free from the loosely bundled windsurfing gear and I had to hug the bundle tightly to my chest to stop the mast from sliding out from my […]

Mud, Rocks, and Jaws (part 1)

    Fear is a bruise. It pulls you to poke it. Scratch the scab off to see if it bleeds. Test the swollen (broken?) ankle. Can I walk? Is it actually broken? Vertigo is fear of heights, yes. But Vertigoers describe it as a fear that on the edge of the precipice their bodies […]


What Would Josh Angulo do? Or WWJAD? That is a question I’ve often asked myself this summer. Why? Well…I’m not really sure why. When presented with an issue in windsurfing or with the AWT this summer, I would try to imagine what Josh would do. Sometimes I would do that thing, and sometimes I would […]

King of the River: JP Bowles and the Gorge Photos

JP Bowles rips. Period. He is the star of the best Gorge windsurfing photos I have ever seen. As The Gorge is the mecca of North American windsurfing, this is quite an accomplishment. The Gorge is a river with wind and waves in the middle of the Pacific Northwest, and every summer windsurfers drive and […]

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2012. I’m sitting in an office in Soho, New York with fellow pro windsurfer Florian Jung. It is cold and windy– an unridable wind, unfortunately. But plans are coming together for trips over the next months. More info coming soon! Until then have some random pics.