
waves, culture, aphorisms

Month: January, 2011

Photos from My Last Day at Hookipa

All pics courtesy of Jimmie Hepp:

2 Poems

I’m back on the East Coast where the ground is piled with snow instead of sand and the roads go on into the distance instead of into the beach. (I’ll get some photos up later). School starts on Monday, so here is a post about my academic inspirations. When I read these two poems years […]

This is so good!

Away From the Cameras

Since August, I’ve sailed for film almost every time I hit the water. Today was a beautiful exception. At the end of the day, only a few guys were on the water and the beach was bare of any photographers. I was able to get into the flow of the waves without any thoughts in […]

Artist I Like Right Now: Peter Doherty

For the last week I’ve listened to nothing but Peter Doherty’s 2009 album Grace/Wastelands. Often when the public praises a popular songwriter for writing poetry, the lyrics are actually quite stiff, obvious, and, frankly, boring. With Doherty, I find this not to be true at all. His words are so painfully good, and paired with […]

Taka Video

Here is a video clip of the taka sequence from the last post: Hookipa Taka by Graham Ezzy from Graham Ezzy on Vimeo.

Back to Maui!

Yesterday, I returned to Maui after two weeks in Japan. After getting off the plane, I headed straight to Hookipa for a fun session. I then slept for 21 hours! Talk about jet lag. I have one more day of sailing before heading back to New Jersey for school. Here are some pics from the […]

Evolving Freestyle

I got really excited when I saw this move by Belgian freestyler Steven van Broekhoven: Matador Steven Van Broeckhoven from Michael Sumereder on Vimeo. It embodies everything great about the most modern freestyle; the rotation is fast and in the air. But this move also adds elements from conventional freestyle: body contortion and back-to-sail sailing […]